Google-Cloud Career Q/A
You’re on a video call with people you haven’t yet met. How would you introduce yourself? Hello everyone, I'm from India originally but have been living in the States for more than a decade now. I am a computer science/software engineer who got into cmc ltd (tata-group) at an early stage of my career and most recently into the cloud. I’m proud to have recently joined Google WTM ambassador as a volunteer and GDG. I’ve worked for myself for many years, am married and struggling with many personal family -situations, and live with my husband and in-laws mostly. How did you get started with Google Cloud? I had a very fortunate opportunity to leave that behind and join what I like to call this “parallel universe” of Google Cloud. I had been seeing that world moving so fast with all this new technology coming in, and in 2016 I joined a Google Developer Group. After reporting to CIOs for so many years on transformation projects and trying to make changes within IT departments, it w...